Well it’s been almost 2 years since I last did a post, or even blown the dust of this old necronomicon… Why?

Overall it can be summed up in one word: Life

Life Summed Up

As with anything in life, you build a set of hobbies and activities, and each one is ranked depending on urgency, importance to keeping you alive ect. Through my travels I have indeed picked up a thing or two, habits changed and my overall life situation as it stands is not the same as it was back in late 2020 (as would be the same for most thanks to the naughty spicy cough)…

Lets revise a little bit:

  1. Landed a job as a 24x7x365 SOC analyst working a gruling 12hour shift for a large MSP in Australia with a fantastic team

  2. Got my CySA+ first try - was actually a cool little exam, I deff relied more on what I knew from experience rather than the learned content.

  3. Got qualys, Crowdstrike and TCM courses smashed out to help implement Qualys to clients

  4. I went from being an avid Blue Teamer to a noob Red Teamer (honestly prefer purple but I need to get better at red before I can build the confidence).

  5. I started my own business; The Safer Internet Project with my brother in arms David Lee… Something I never thought I could do untill now, and I am super proud of what we have achieved in helping people and their cyber careers!

  6. Got the spicy cough and spent my christmas and new years alone in a room stuck in a foreign state and couch surfed for 3-4months.

  7. Quit my job at the MSP to persue my Kali Linux Certified Professional (KLCP), PEN-200 (OSCP), PEN-210 (OSWP), CTRO and build my business further!